Organic Lawn Care
in Glen Ellyn
As a leading provider of organic lawn care and fertilization, Pure Prairie Organics has been in business since 1994. We combine our passion for lawn care with our love of the environment to provide our Glen Ellyn community with the best natural lawn care in Illinois. Our organic lawn care programs are designed to suit the needs of every lawn because every lawn is different and requires different care. Take a look at our menu of organic lawn care services and see how we can turn your yard into a Pure yard.
Organic Lawn Fertilization
in Glen Ellyn
Providing your yard with the best lawn care while minimizing your impact on the environment is the goal of our organic lawn fertilization programs. To achieve this, we make sure that your lawn gets the nutrients it needs throughout the season. We use well-planned applications applied by well-trained technicians at the appropriate times. We’ll offer tips along the way and make suggestions if your lawn is in need of any attention. In between our visits, you’ll be able to benefit from our informative newsletters and reports.
Organic-Based Lawn Care Program
Weeds are the first thing you need to get rid of if you want a healthy lawn fast. Our organic-based program uses organic fertilizer alongside some weed control to help you get there faster, though there are no organic chemicals to kill weeds.
Fully Organic Lawn Care Program
With our organic program, we fertilize the lawn with 100% organic products without controlling weeds. By using this program, we aim to make your lawn healthy and resistant to weeds, enabling it to naturally fight them off.
Weed Control in Glen Ellyn
We don’t use weed control products in our natural lawn care program. To prevent weeds from growing in your lawn, we strengthen it so it can fight them off on its own. If your lawn is properly nourished, weeding will be easy! In spite of the fact that it is a much slower option, synthetic herbicides are not necessary to maintain weed-free lawns. In order to speed up their natural program, many of our customers add on weed control.
Mosquito Control in Glen Ellyn
Summer in Glen Ellyn can be particularly mosquito-infested. There is nothing more frustrating than a swarm of hungry mosquitoes ruining your outdoor gathering. Unlike chemical mosquito control products, Pure Prairie’s natural mosquito control products do not harm bees or other pollinators. Using cedar oil in our organic mosquito repellent helps keep mosquitoes away naturally. This service is only offered in June, and we recommend applying it every two weeks to keep your lawn mosquito-free.
Get The Best Lawn Care In Glen Ellyn
The needs of each lawn are unique, and we understand that. For almost 30 years, Pure Prairie Organics has specialized in organic and natural lawn care. Get a free quote or call us today at 630-780-7939 to learn more about our organic lawn care services in Glen Ellyn.