Organic Fertilizer with Crabgrass and Weed Control

If you want a beautiful, thick, and weed-free lawn, Pure Prairie Organics can help. We give our customers the option of having the weeds spot sprayed, too, so you can get weed control where it’s needed. A bit here and there usually does the trick, although if you need the entire lawn sprayed for weeds, we can do that too. This allows you to feel confident in Pure Prairie Organics and know it’s not a one-size-fits-all type of service. A beautiful lawn and a healthy lawn is our priority for you, your family, and your pets.

While this program is not completely organic, it is mostly organic fertilizer with additional weed control added. About 85% of our customers start on this program and switch down the road to our Organic/Natural program. Down the road, maybe six months or a year or two, depending on the customer’s preference and condition of the lawn.

It is your decision if you’d like our Organic-Based Blended Program (includes weed control) or our Organic/Natural program (no weed control). Suppose you are looking for a great program with no weed control or crabgrass control head over to our Organic/Natural program. It’s your lawn; we’d like to take care of it to help make it beautiful for you.

About Our Organic Based Blended Program

If you want a beautiful lawn that’s thick and healthy, Pure Prairie Organics can help. The Organic Based Blended Program includes:

  • At least 64% organic fertilizer
  • Broadleaf weed control (as much or as little as you would like)
  • Crabgrass control
  • Just one gallon of chemicals versus where most companies use 12
  • Six visits beginning March/April and going to late November

When choosing this program, keep in mind that our goal will be to use less and less weed control with each visit. Since your weeds will be going away, we don’t need to spray weed control all over the entire lawn. Especially if there are just a few weeds, once your property is thick and weed-free, you can stay on this program, and we’ll keep things looking nice.

If you think you want to switch to our Organic/Natural program, just let us know. You can change from one to the other at any time. The amount of time it takes to switch will vary from one lawn to another and from one customer to another. We have some customers that are ok with having weeds here and there, and some customers don’t want any weeds on their lawn. It’s your lawn; we are here to help.

Our Service Area – DuPage County – Will County –
Kendall County – Cook County – Kane County